Friday, June 6, 2014

FITNESS/(Tips) : Health Concious /(General)

  • The more muscle on your body the greater your metabolic rate will be (the faster you'll burn fat and gain muscle). The more calories you burn, the less you will have to reduce your fat intake. 
  •  6 small meals a day is better than 3 large ones. This lets your body utilize nutrients, and speeds up your metabolic rate. 
  •  To speed up your metabolism do the following: aerobics every other day, moderate your caloric intake, and maintain a high protein, and low fat/sugar diet. 
  •  Foods that say they have no cholesterol may be loaded with saturated fat. 
  •  Except for meat and poultry there are no federal laws governing the words "Lite" and "Light" (ask for extra lean or fat reduced at the deli, when it comes to chicken, light meat contains about a third the fat of dark). 
  • Products that list the first ingrediant as solid fats and oils are usually high in fat (ie. mayonaise, butter... ingredients that contain large amounts of saturated fat include meat and poultry fat, butter, cream, etc). 
  •  Feet: If your feet sweat, use socks containing wicking fabrics, not absorbant socks (talc or constarch helps prevent blisters, the best cure for a blister however, is a layer of petroleum jelly); once you've gotten a blister use moleskin. Cowboy boots can put 2x as much stress on your heel as you are used to. 
  •  Studies show that the only way to endure heat is to work in it, the first sign of dehydration is fatigue (muscle strength decreases). Other symptoms include: muscle aches, cramps, nausea, diarrhea, lack of concentration, tunnel vision etc. 
  •  Sports that burn calories the quickest over a short period of time IE 40 min. (highest to lowest): Jogging, Scuba Diving, Stair Climbing, Basketball, Jumping Rope, Tennis, Volleyball, Boxing, Swimming, Cycling, Frisbee, Golf, Softball. 
  •  Minor ills: The buring sensation from alcohol on a wound is evidence of further damage or irritation to the tissue; if you can't keep anything down don't try, if vomiting persists after 6 hours call your doctor. Don't put stuff in your ears (it can cause damage), use an over the counter eardrop to soften wax then wash it out with a bulb syringe. If your ill, extra rest won't speed your recovery; long term bed rest causes bones to lose calcium, muscles to wither and bowels to shut down. 
  •  Make sure your fitness goals are specific yet realistic, variety is powerful when the key is motivation 
  •  When buying milk buy a paper carton rather than a plastic jug, the lights in groceries stores can cause the jugs to lose up to 90% of the vitamin "A" 
  • Sleep: make sure you get at least 4 hours (you need additional sleep but a “wake break” won't disrupt anything). 
  • The humid air of the bathroom can decrease the potency of your medications (don't have them in the medicine cabinet). 
  •  Everfresh bags can save your refrigerated veggies from a soggy mess (they last much longer).  
  •  Store your soup cans in the fridge, that way the fat will rise to the top and you can scoop it off when you open it. 
  •  Iron out out wrinkles by using cream containing alpha-hydroxy acids (Eucerin Plus and Revlon Results or ask your dermatologist for stronger formulas) The labels will mention glycolic acids. 
  •  Get lots of Zinc to keep up your sex drive (Eat chicken or fish twice a week). 
  •  Wear a hat in the hot sun to prevent the hair cells from turning the pigments, causing grey hair. 
  • Don't run in ankle weights under any condition, they can do severe damage to your knees over a period of time. 
  • Prepare yourself for the onslaught of fat by exercising the day before (muscles absorb the fat to replenish the amount burned off). 
  •  If you've been a-swillin’ and encounter a bad headache and stomach problems. (hangover) take honey, it'll help to metabolize the alcohol in your bloodstream (take with toast or crackers). 
  •  Cuts: If refusing to seek medical or the proper attention for cuts don't let air do the trick (it won't heal any faster and will only leave it open to scar tissue). Instead wash the cut with soap and water, then slap on some antibiotic ointment or petroleum jelly; finally cover the wound with a sterile bandage (change the dressing every morning). 
  • Tan Tips: You should buy a lotion with an SPF of at least 15 (make sure the lotion has a moisturizer). Apply self-tanners several hours before going out (adding a layer of sunscreen before going out isn't a bad idea either). Don't reapply self tanners until you've seen the final results, wait 30 minutes for the tanners to dry before dressing or going to bed (remember to wash your hands unless you want tanned palms). 

  • 12 Steps to a healthy diet: 
1) Eliminate Junk Food and highly processed Foods
2) Follow the 2/3, 1/3, low fat rule (65% carbs., 25% protein, 10% fat)
3) Eat Small Frequent Meals (don't skip a meal, you'll want more later... eat slowly and the brain will think it's full faster),
4) Eat Breakfast like a King, Lunch like a Prince and dinner like a Pauper (the metabolisim is most the active in the morning and slows drastically by the evening; digestion is the strongest at noon and a large meal may also be consumed here)
5) Select Foods that are high in fiber
6) Separate Protein and Carbohydrate Feedings
7) Drink 8-10 Glasses of Water per day
8) Include Aerobics of some form in your schedule
9) Reduce Calories Gradually and in a Cyclical Fashion (too keep the metabolism off guard and responding, figure the average number of calories you want to diet down to; then stagger your actual daily intake above and below that number. IE 700 calories one day, 300; then 500 the third day... supplements become important when you cut calories and predispose yourself to nutritional deficencies)
10) Weight training will increase metabolism and preserve lean body mass
11) Train earlier (this will increase your metabolic rate for the entire day)
12) Have a realistic game plan

  • For a pickup in your training and endurance energy levels use Inosine. 
  • Carbs = sugars, once your blood sugar level drops you can forget about having a productive workout (some good carbs include grains, rice, pasta. yams, and whole grain breads).     
  •  Salads: look for ones with under 2 grams of fat and under 300 milligrams of sodium 
  •  Amino acids arginine and orthinine will help to reduce your body fat if you take them while weight training.        
  •  you'll need to consume 2,500-3,000 calories more (a day) than what your body normally need in order to gain 1 pound of muscle if training faithfully. 
  • Protein should equal approx 0.8 grams per kilogram of body weight a day. Using more protein than you need will only convert it to fat (same as carbs or anything relative to your needs). The harder you train the more protein you'll need, for a positive nitrogen balance; which is a necessity in building muscle. 
  •  Protein drinks can compensate for extra meals (IE one between breakfast and lunch). If you eat 6 meals a day you'll always have the protein and carbs your body needs. 
  • Enzymes that stimulate muscle glycogen from carbs last up to 90 min. after a workout. By consuming protein or carbs during this period you may speed up protein synthesis. 
  • You must burn 3,500 calories to burn 1 pound of fat. 
  • The subconcious does not know the differance between imagining a lift and actually doing one; if you can tap into this power there are no limits. 
  • Melatonin can be increased at night by exposure to bright light in the day, radiation such as red light also helps to speed up the metabolic process(turn down the lights after 9:00 pm to assist). Foods high in melatonin include bananas, tomatoes, oatmeal, ginger and sweet corn (taking pain relievers before bed such as aspirin, can cut melatonin by up to 75 %). 
  •  Electrical muscle stimulation: the main use today is for recuperation, & for maintaining strength (muscle mass). 
  • Cortisol is the muscle destroying hormone, it is released during high periods of stress (glutamine helps to partially block the effects of cortisol). 
  • The slower your oxidative rate the higher proportion you'll need of carbs and less of protein and fat. 
  • Recipes: Mandy Tanny's "The Muscular Gourmet has more than 300 nutritious low calorie recipes (as well as numerous bodybuilding diet tips). 
  • Make sure to separate your carbs and protein meals or your body is not going to utilize all the foods efficiently. 
  • Protein/Carb meals will contain higher levels of amino acids than just one or the other (blood concentrations therof will be higher). 
  • Some of the main/major risks of steroid use include: 
1) an increase in bloodclotting factors (setting the stage for heart attacks and arterial blockage). 
2) A decrease in the good (HDL) cholesterol in your blood stream (except with the usage of injectable testosterones, Winstrol is particularly bad). 
3) Direct injury to heart cells. 
4) Elevated blood levels. 
5) Steroids decrease arginine which could lead to a coronary/artery spasm resulting in damaged heart muscle.
  • Yocon or Yohimex is a drug (thumbs up) that can easily be regulated and controlled in the body with minimal or no side effects (may cause bloating). This drug is a good alternative to steroids and their side effects. Limit your intake of Yocon to 10 weeks at a time.

Thursday, June 5, 2014

Fitness Centers

When you are looking to get into shape, you have a lot of options. Some prefer to walk around their neighborhood, or to buy something they can use in their home. Others like to find fitness centers so that they can get out of the house and have more choices for their workouts. This is a good alternative for many, as long as they pick the right place. If someone were to choose a place that feels wrong, or that just doesn’t have what they need, they are going to be wasting their money with little or no results.

Some are intimidated by the large named fitness centers out there because they fear they are going to stick out when they go there. They envision that everyone there will be toned, tanned, and without an extra ounce of body fat anywhere. Though there are people in fitness centers like that, there are also those who are somewhere in between where they started and where they want to be. Not everyone will look like those in the commercials. Though this should not matter to someone who wants to get into shape, it can be demoralizing at times.

There are newer fitness centers cropping up that are made for those who don’t want to go to a gym like those seen on television. Curves is one of these places. They are made mostly for women, and they advertise with women of all sizes and levels of health. As far as fitness centers go, they are certainly appealing to those who are going to be excessively self conscious when they arrive for their very first workout. It should be a good mix of comfort along with the motivation to succeed. These are popping up all over the place, even in small communities, and that can only be because they are successful and in demand.

Some choose to go to fitness centers that cater to the whole family. These can be a lot of fun for the adults because they can go whenever they want, and they can take their children with them. There are usually activities for the children that can allow them to stay in shape, or get into better shape, without them even knowing what is going on. They may just think they are being entertained while their parents work out at fitness centers, but they are actually getting some exercise of their own. That’s definitely a win-win situation for everyone.

Wednesday, June 4, 2014

The 24 Hour Fitness Path

The Twenty Four Hour fitness center is like your one stop shop to everything about fitness and your well-being.  Imagine it as the Walmart of the fitness industry.    Twenty Four Hour fitness centers are located in a number of  areas in the state.   All of them have equipments which cater to weight training as well as cardio vascular equipments.  A variety of fitness gear is also available.  Twenty Four Hourfitness centers all have locker rooms and – believe it or not – baby sitting accommodations.  Over all, the Twenty Four Hour fitness center is a complete, clean and extremely well maintained facility that especially caters to all your fitness wants, needs and preferences.

Join Us

It is very easy to get started on your path to fitness.  Twenty Four Hour fitness centers have over three hundred clubs located in the whole nation and is open for twenty four hours. There is no long term contract to sign up in.  You have the option to pay monthly, but you are offered a complete personal training package that suits your body type, body weight and built so you are ensured with a service that is truly personalized.

Which club do you belong in?

Twenty Four Hour fitness center gives you the option to choose the specific type of club that you desire.  The active club involves a group exercise as well as free weights and cardio machines to work off that fat.   The sport club also includes everything in the active club but with additions such as basketball, heated pools and whirlpool.  The super-sport club also includes the amenities found those in the active club and the sport  club but with more additions such as massages, a sauna as well as a steam room.  The ultra sport club is the works.  It includes most of the amenities found in the active, sport and super sport club, plus a day spa, courts for racquetball as well as an executive locker room.

The Path to Performance

It all depends on what you want to achieve.  In Twenty Four Hour fitness centers, a uniquely specialized fitness program is available to anyone who simply wants to improve their performance in a specific sport or is seriously training for competition.  The program is designed by athletes. 

The Performance program includes a menu plan specifically customized for those intense workouts.  A resistance training is also available as well as a full cardio workout.  After your exercise, a metabolic rate test is conducted. 

This program is designed for those who wants to get started as soon as possible but has no clear and specific idea how.  This is clearly the best option for them because all the information on nutrition, resistance training is learned through this program.  This is the foundation one needs in order to have results that would last your body a lifetime.
The Components of  Fitness

A regular exercise, an intense workout is just part and parcel of your path to health, fitness and well-being.  There are other factors that should just as well play a part and which Twenty Four Hour fitness center teaches you. 

Food intake is one of them.  A menu is provided to those who follow the performance path.  This details what you should or should not eat, or at least eat less of, if not completely avoid.  Cardio is also one as this enhances  your endurance to stress and exercise. Vitamins and supplements are a necessity unless you are sure that you are able to receive the proper amounts of iron, calcium, vitamin C or D or E in a day.  If not, it is best to take them in.  Resistance training is a feather in your fitness cap and is a necessary tool for being healthy, wealthy and wise.